Please Attention! You are now accessing for the current job announcements and job reference materials. Please read thoroughly about the job applicant's qualifications or requirements which are requested by the company. If you feel that you are qualified, you are welcome to apply at your any desired job position. The available job fields and positions will be shown at below.
Pertamina Medco E&P - JOB Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi is joint operating body between PT Pertamina Hulu Energy and PT Medco E&P Indonesia.
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is one of the Upstream Directorate subsidiaries working in the oil and gas upstream business, and is also an upstream business vehicle for managing the domestic and overseas cooperation portfolio in the form of: Production Sharing Contracts (PSC), Joint Operating Body-Production Sharing Contracts (JOB-PSC), Indonesian Participating / Pertamina Participating Interests (IP/PPI) and Badan Operasi Bersama (BOB).
As one of national oil & gas companies based on Jakarta, Indonesia. Our project on Central Sulawesi offshore (Senoro) operating since February 2011.
Career Opportunities in November 2011
We are currently inviting highly dynamic, self-motivated and committed applicant to apply several positions in a challenging work environment as the positions available listed below
We are currently inviting highly dynamic, self-motivated and committed applicant to apply several positions in a challenging work environment as the positions available listed below
Responsibilities :
- Responsible to QA/QC Coordinator for all construction activity related to Quality Assurance & Quality Control.
- Responsible for all foundation working, structure and architecture of oil and gas facility.
- Responsible for overhead crane construction, concrete foundation for all production process equipment and architectural aspect built by the Contractor.
- Responsible for the correctness of technical specification that has been approved in the contract for the mixture concrete foundation, structural strength for overhead crane plan and also architectural apect of the building such as control room, operator room, etc.
- Coordinate with contractor personnel in the workshop or at the field to supervise their work in order to get the quality that has been agreed on the design.
- Coordinate with the contractor for examined concrete steel sample and structural steel and also material cement before the foundry.
- Responsible for material used for structural overhead crane and other structural materials.
- Coordinate with Contractor during the SAT for overhead crane and other activity witnessed by Migas official.
- Coordinate with contractor for all documentation aspect related to SKPP & SKPI.
Position Requirements
- Bachelor degree in Engineering (any major)
- 10 years experience in civil foundation, structural, architectural of oil and gas operation area and other industry
- Understand engineering doc/drawing : specifications, data sheet, civil drawing for oil and gas operation area.
- Understand testing procedure for instrument : pile, concrete, steel and on site inspection.
- Understand certification procedure in accordance with Migas/BP Migas.
- Experience in field checking, examination and instalation of equipment & instrumentation such as lightning arresor, flame arrestor, gas meter, etc.
- Familiar with instrumentation standard code.
Senoro Pipemill Inspector
Responsibilities :
- Responsible to QA/QC Coordinator for all construction activity related to Quality Assurance & Quality Control, including ERW pipe quality, pipe line, fitting pipe and valve.
- Coordinating with pipe factory' QC to monitor the ERW pipe quality seamless
- Responsible to ERW pipe quality or seamless bought from inside and out of country.
- Verify the processing of ERW pipe production from the pipe mill process until it comply the standard.
- Verify mill certificate issued by pipe mill from Indonesian factory or pipe material, valve and pipe fitting imported from out of country.
- Ensure that contractor has conducted material checking : pipe line, pipe fitting and leak test valve that bought by EPC Contractor before deliver it to the job site.
- Conduct material identification with certain party referred by company if any unappropriate material was found
- Coordinate with contractor for all documentation aspect related to SKPP & SKPI.
- Represent company to coordinate with Migas and or pipe factory, valve factory or fitting factory in material checking things.
Position Requirements
- Bachelor Degree in Metallurgy or Mechanical Engineering
- 10 years experience in pipeline construction.
- Certificated as pipeline inspector
- Certificated as welding inspector
- Familiar with standard code ASME, ASTM, ANSI, ANT TC 1A, API, DNV, SNI.
Senoro Instrumentation Inspector
Responsibilities :
- Responsible to QA/QC Coordinator for all construction activity related to Quality Assurance & Quality Control.
- Responsible for all instrumentation equipment bought by EPC Contractor such as PSV and gas meter has passed the test in the factory and completed with validated document.
- Ensure that QC Contractor has conduct examination for all instrumentation equipment accord with the approved procedure.
- Ensure that QC Contractor has bought necessary material that suit with certain specification.
- Verify that the Contractor has conduct function test and other necessary test.
- Ensure that PCV, PSV and other bought instrumentation equipment has passed the test in the factory.
- Ensure that all bought instrumentation equipment possess validated document and accepted to proceed to the next Migas certification.
- Ensure fabricated gas meter has comply with the AFC Drawing and suit with ITP.
- Coordinate with QC Contractor for gas meter, instrumentation equipment and calibration any equipment related with gas meter.
- Coordinate with field Construction representation to conduct SAT witnessed by Migas offiicial.
- Coordinate with contractor for all documentation aspect related to SKPP & SKPI.
- Represent company to coordinate with Migas in material checking things.
Position Requirements
- Bachelor Degree in any major of Engineering
- 10 years experience in field instrumentation Migas operation.
- Understand instrument engineering document/drawing : specification, data sheet, wiring/loop diagram, instalation/hook up, P & ID.
- Understand instrumentation testing procedure : calibration, leak test, continuity test, loop test, function test and SA (Surge Arrestor)
- Understand certification procedure including with Migas/BP Migas : metering, PSV.
Senoro Electrical Inspector
Responsibilities :
Responsibilities :
- Responsible to QA/QC Coordinator for all construction activity related to Quality Assurance & Quality Control.
- Coordinate with QC Contractor for electrical material checking bought by the Contractor.
- Responsible for all electrical equipment that bought by the Contractor such as electric pumps, genset, switch gear, MV & LV, MCC, voltage regulator, switch breaker; has pass through the testing in factory and make sure that the contractor has completed the valid document.
- Ensure that local electrical equipment comply domestic electrical production.
- Ensure that QC Contractor has test the electrical equipment accord with approved procedure.
- Ensure that QC Contractor has bought necessary material that suit with certain specification.
- Ensure & verify that the contractor has conduct merger test and other necessary test.
- Ensure that all bought electrical equipment possess validated document and accepted to proceed to the next Migas certification
- Coordinate with field Construction representation to conduct SAT witnessed by Migas offiicial.
- Acting as company's delegation in SAT stage.
- Coordinate with contractor for all documentation aspect related to SKPP & SKPI.
Position Requirements
- Bachelor degree of any major in Engineering
- 10 years experience in electrical equipment area.
- Understand electrical test equipment such as voltage generator, MCC, Switch breaker, switch gear, generator set, lightning arrestor, etc.
- Knowledgeable and understand single line diagram, schematic diagram, P & ID.
- Knowledgeable in any kinds of electrical tools such as mega ohm tester, multi tester, multi function calibrator, high voltage tester.
- Knowledgeable in motor installation, low and middle voltage cable, control panel, termination, cable gland, conduit, grounding, catholic protection, etc.
- Experience in electrical equipment field such as lightning arrestor, flame arrestor, flame arrestor, grounding tester, etc.
- Familiar with electrical code standard.
Senoro Drilling/Completion Engineer
Position Description
- Making database summary of completed drilling project for comparison data to the next drilling program/plan (Offset Well Data)
- Designing well and details of drilling program for a well construction project (onshore & offshore) including all technical/engineering plan, cost estimation, material purchase plan and drilling equipment (Well Construction Program)
- Preparing cost estimation proposal and technically presented the plan to BPMIGAS to get an approval for executing the project (AFE & WP&B )
- Searching and analyze necessary material & equipment to be applied in the drilling project and estimate risk & cost analyst (Technology Scouting)
- Supervise HQ activity, assist Drilling Superintendent to conduct quality control process (QC) during drilling ptoject.
- Analyze and plan optimalization well design, drilling & completion, and overall budget proposal from the drilling summary result made by Drilling Superintendent.
Position Requirements
- Bachelor Degree in Petroleum, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Electrical, and Industrial Engineering.
- 5 years experience in drilling of oil and gas operation.
- Certified in Drilling Engineering / Operation
- Certified well control (IWCF - Surface / subsea stack)
- Certified in T-Bosiet (Sea Survival, HUET, Fire Fighting)
Apply online for each positon through the link provided above
( Note : You may seeking for another positions available by directly go to the web (follow the link above) an official updates of JOB Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi )

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