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Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or in Indonesian Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) is a stock exchange based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was previously known as Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) before its name changed in 2007 after merging with Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX). As of 28 June 2010, the Indonesia Stock Exchange had 341 listed companies with a combined market capitalization of $269.9 billion. On May 23, 2011 the Indonesia Stock Exchange increasing the number of issuers at the exchange to 425. In November 2011, Indonesian Stock Exchange market capitalization was $400 billion or 50.48 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while U.S. ratio was 100 percent and Singapore with 170.82 percent.
Originally opened in 1912 under the Dutch colonial government, it was re-opened in 1977 after several closures during World War I and World War II. After being reopened in 1977, the exchange was under the management of the newly created Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal, or Bapepam), which answered to the Ministry of Finance. Trading activity and market capitalization grew alongside the development of Indonesia's financial markets and private sector - highlighted by a major bull run in 1990.
On July 13, 1992, the exchange was privatized under the ownership of Jakarta Exchange Inc. As a result, the functions of Bapepam changed to become the Capital Market Supervisory Agency. On March 22, 1995 JSX launched the Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS). In September 2007, Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange merged and named Indonesian Stock Exchange by Indonesian Minister of Finance. The current location of the Indonesian Stock Exchange is located in the IDX building in the Sudirman Central Business District, South Jakarta, near the current site of the Pacific Place Jakarta.
In June 3, 2011 there are 344,279 local investors registered at the BEI Custodian (KSEI)
At end of 2010, the capitalization is Rp.3,100 trillion and 26 percent of it are 17 state-owned companies listed among 421 companies listed. The greatest company capitalization is also state-owned company: Telkom (Code: TLKM) with Rp.161.2 billion. 7 of 20 greatest amount of capitalization are also state-owned companies.
Career Info at IDX - December 2011
The job positions are offered at this moment :
Staf Pemeriksa Anggota Bursa/ Auditor - Jakarta
Perform audit process to all IDX’ Members & Participants to ensure their compliance to capital market regulations.
Requirements : Major in Accounting, min. 1 year experience as auditor in Public Accountant Firm, interest in IT audit will be an advantage.
Requirements : Major in Accounting, min. 1 year experience as auditor in Public Accountant Firm, interest in IT audit will be an advantage.
Staf Pemantauan Perdagangan - Jakarta
Monitor daily transaction and analyze/ review transaction pattern to evaluate and improve surveillance system.
Requirements : Major in Accounting, Finance, experienced in Securities Company will be an advantage, and strong analytical thinking.
Requirements : Major in Accounting, Finance, experienced in Securities Company will be an advantage, and strong analytical thinking.
Staf IT Operasional - Jakarta
Handling IT office and trading system to ensure all IT infrastructure running well.
Requirements : Major in IT, having knowledge about OS Unix/ LINUX, database, storage area network, website, monitoring tools, and backup system.
Requirements : Major in IT, having knowledge about OS Unix/ LINUX, database, storage area network, website, monitoring tools, and backup system.
Staf Pengembangan IT - Jakarta
Analyze and establish system architecture and framework specifically for network and server configuration.Requirements : Major in IT, having IT Network certification and ability to design and configure of network and server architecture, and min 1 year experience in the same field.
Staf Pemasaran - Jakarta
Preparing promotional tools and educational event of capital market & investment product and build & maintain good relationship with stakeholders.
Requirements : Major in graphic design, professional outlook, proven experienced in handling education event, experienced in designing marketing tools/ animation/ presentation will be an advantage.
Preparing promotional tools and educational event of capital market & investment product and build & maintain good relationship with stakeholders.
Requirements : Major in graphic design, professional outlook, proven experienced in handling education event, experienced in designing marketing tools/ animation/ presentation will be an advantage.
Staf HR Specialist - Jakarta
Plan, organize, and evaluate learning & development, recruitment, and performance management process, compensation and benefit, industrial relations and talent management.
Requirements : Having comprehensive understanding about HR management, min 2 years experience in HR area.
Requirements : Having comprehensive understanding about HR management, min 2 years experience in HR area.
Staf PIPM - Jakarta
Responsible in handling administration assistance of Capital Market events held by IDX Capital Market Information Center all over Indonesia.
Requirements : Bachelor degree in relevant major from reputable university, Possess good administrative skill as well as event organizer skill, possess good communication skills, initiative and proactive.
Requirements : Bachelor degree in relevant major from reputable university, Possess good administrative skill as well as event organizer skill, possess good communication skills, initiative and proactive.
Kepala Kantor PIPM - Medan, Lampung, Bandung, Jayapura, Palembang
Provide capital market information to stakeholder in specified area by conducting public education events and maintaining good relationship with all stakeholders (government, business alliances, universities, investors, potential investors, public companies), and supervise all operational office in the area listed above.
Requirements : Bachelor/ Master Degree in Business Studies/Management, Economics, Finance/ Accountancy/Banking, at least 2 years experience in capital market industries or financial institution, having experience in supervise a team, having capital market license will be an advantage.
Provide capital market information to stakeholder in specified area by conducting public education events and maintaining good relationship with all stakeholders (government, business alliances, universities, investors, potential investors, public companies), and supervise all operational office in the area listed above.
Requirements : Bachelor/ Master Degree in Business Studies/Management, Economics, Finance/ Accountancy/Banking, at least 2 years experience in capital market industries or financial institution, having experience in supervise a team, having capital market license will be an advantage.
Staf Trainer PIPM - Padang, Palembang, Balikpapan, Manado, Makassar, Jayapura
Responsible for organizing Capital Market educational activities and maintaining good relationship with all stakeholders (government, business alliances, universities, investors, potential investors, public companies)
Requirements : Bachelor/ Master Degree in Business Studies/Management, Economics, Finance/ Accountancy/Banking, good in communication and presentation skills, at least 2 years experience in capital market industries or financial institution, having capital market license will be an advantage.
Requirements : Bachelor/ Master Degree in Business Studies/Management, Economics, Finance/ Accountancy/Banking, good in communication and presentation skills, at least 2 years experience in capital market industries or financial institution, having capital market license will be an advantage.
Staf Administrasi PIPM - Lampung, Palembang, Padang, Pontianak, Jayapura
Responsible for the implementation of the administrative task of Capital Market events, petty cash and budget management, public services and management of library visits.
Requirements : Min. Diploma in Economics/Administration, good in administrative skills and detail oriented, assertive and communicative.
Application Procedures
Please send your comprehensive recently updated resume to :
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, 1st Tower
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia
Telephone : +6221 5150515
Fax : +6221 5150330
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia
Telephone : +6221 5150515
Fax : +6221 5150330

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