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Bank Indonesia is the central bank of The Republic of Indonesia. Bank Indonesia is currently governed by Darmin Nasution, former interim governor. The last governor before the interim phase, Boediono, resigned due to his vice presidential candidacy in the Indonesian presidential election. Darmin Nasution was sworn in by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on September 1, 2010.
History of Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia was founded on 1 July 1953 from the nationalization of De Javasche Bank, a Dutch bank dating from colonial times.
For the next 15 years, the Bank of Indonesia carried on commercial activities as well as acting as the nation’s bank.
This came to an end with the Law No.13/1968 on the Central Bank, which was subsequently replaced by Law No.23/1999, freeing the bank from government interference.
Thereafter, the bank reported to the parliament (People's Representative Council) instead of the president, and the bank’s governor was no longer a member of the cabinet.
The bank is led by the board of governors, comprising the governor, a senior deputy governor and at between four and seven deputy governors.
The governor and deputy governors serve a five year term ,and are eligible for re-election for a maximum of two terms.
The governor and senior deputy governor are nominated and appointed by the president, with approval from the People's Representative Council. Deputy governors are nominated by the governor and appointed by the president, with approval of the People's Representative Council.
The president has no power to dismiss a member of the board, except when a board member voluntarily resigns, is permanently handicapped, or is proven guilty of criminal offence.
The Board of Governors Meeting is the bank’s highest decision-making forum. It is held at least once a month to decide on general policy on monetary affairs, and at least once a week to evaluate policy implementation or to decide on other strategic and principle policy.
The bank is led by the board of governors, comprising the governor, a senior deputy governor and at between four and seven deputy governors.
The governor and deputy governors serve a five year term ,and are eligible for re-election for a maximum of two terms.
The governor and senior deputy governor are nominated and appointed by the president, with approval from the People's Representative Council. Deputy governors are nominated by the governor and appointed by the president, with approval of the People's Representative Council.
The president has no power to dismiss a member of the board, except when a board member voluntarily resigns, is permanently handicapped, or is proven guilty of criminal offence.
The Board of Governors Meeting is the bank’s highest decision-making forum. It is held at least once a month to decide on general policy on monetary affairs, and at least once a week to evaluate policy implementation or to decide on other strategic and principle policy.
Strategic objectives
The Bank describes its strategic objectives as being :
The Bank describes its strategic objectives as being :
- Maintain monetary stability
- Maintain the financial sustainability of the Bank of Indonesia
- Strengthen the effectiveness of monetary management
- Create a sound and effective banking system and financial system stability
- Maintain the security and effectiveness of the payment system
- Increase the effectiveness of Good Governance implementation
- Strengthen the organization and build highly competent human resources with the support of a knowledge-based work culture
- Integrate the Bank of Indonesia's transformation in line with Bank Indonesia's destination statement of 2008
It operates 37 offices across Indonesia, and four representative offices in New York, London, Tokyo and Singapore.
Employment of Bank Indonesia in January 2012
Career Opportunities and Work
Bank Indonesia invites the sons/ daughters of the nation's best to work and develop careers in the Institute of the Central Bank whose role and responsibility as guardian of monetary stability and financial system of the Republic of Indonesia.
Bank Indonesia invites the sons/ daughters of the nation's best to work and develop careers in the Institute of the Central Bank whose role and responsibility as guardian of monetary stability and financial system of the Republic of Indonesia.
Pendidikan Calon Pegawai Muda (PCPM)
Requirements for Applicants :
- Minimum education level is S1
- Online Registration Period : 9 - 13 January 2012
Multi Level Entry (MLE)
Requirements for Applicants :
- Minimum education level is S1 or S2
- At least 3 years experience in their fields except for the position of Foreign Exchange Management (Pengelola Devisa)
- Online Registration Period : 9 - 15 January 2012
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Minimum GPA 3.0 (scale of 4)
- Having the ability to speak English, are indicated by certificate ITP TOEFL score of at least 500 or IELTS score of at least 5.5 are still valid until the date of January 9th, 2012. For those who do not have the certificate, must follow the English language proficiency tests organized by Bank Indonesia.
- Have very good skills in writing, verbal communication, and the usage of computers (Windows, MS Office).
- Do not have a sibling/ husband/ wife who works as an employee or prospective employee of Bank Indonesia
- Willing to undergo an official bond with Bank Indonesia and not bound with other Institutions bond
- Willing to not get pregnant during their educational program (for Female candidates)
- Willing to be placed in all offices of Bank Indonesia
- Maximum age to follow the provisions in accordance with the proposed position
- Field of study/ majors follow the provisions in accordance with the proposed position
The tests will be held in : Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Banjarmasin, Palembang, Padang, Medan (Description : Location of MLE line tests performed entirely in Jakarta)
Application Procedures
The submission of application can only be done by online registration in accordance with a predetermined period. No other lines used in the application delivery process.
For official detail information and reference about this announcement please follow the link of Bank Indonesia Recruitment 2012

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