Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Job Vacancy | LoKerSPOT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Job Vacancy | LoKerSPOT

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Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Job Vacancy

Please Attention! You are now accessing for the current job announcements and job reference materials. Please read thoroughly about the job applicant's qualifications or requirements which are requested by the company. If you feel that you are qualified, you are welcome to apply at your any desired job position. The available job fields and positions will be shown at below.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is one of the largest government-owned bank in Indonesia. Initially the Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) was established in Purwokerto, Central Java by Raden Bei Aria Wirjaatmadja with the name De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoofden [1] or "Help and Savings Bank-Owned Prijajis The Navan", a financial institution that serves people the nationality Indonesia (native). The agency established on December 16, 1895, which is then used as the birthday of BRI.
Our history
In the period after the independence of Indonesia, based on Government Regulation no. 1 of 1946 Article 1 stated that the BRI is a bank's first Government of the Republic of Indonesia. In times of war to maintain independence in 1948, BRI activity was stopped for a while and started a new active again after the Renville agreement in 1949 by changing its name to Bank Rakyat Indonesia States. At that time, through PERPU No. 41 Cooperative Bank was established in 1960 Farmers and Fishermen (BKTN) which is a fusion of the BRI, Bank Farmers and Fishermen and the Nederlandsche Maatschappij (NHM). Then based on Presidential Decree (Presidential Edict) No.. 9 in 1965, BKTN integrated into Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia under the name Farmers and Fishermen Cooperative Affairs.
After walking for a month, Presidential Edict No. exit. 17 year 1965 on the establishment of a single bank under the name Bank Negara Indonesia. In the new provisions, the Bank Indonesia Affairs Cooperative, Farmers and Fishermen (ex BKTN) integrated under the name Bank Negara Indonesia unit II Rural areas, while NHM became Bank Negara Indonesia Second unit areas of Export Import (Exim).
Under Law No. 14 year 1967 on Basic Law and the Banking Law no. 13 year 1968 concerning the Central Bank Act, which essentially restore the function of Bank Indonesia as Central Bank and Bank Negara Indonesia Unit II for Import and Export Rular each separated into two bank, Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Indonesia Import Export. Furthermore, based on Law no. 21 in 1968 set back the main tasks of BRI as a commercial bank.
Since August 1, 1992 under the Banking Act No. 7 of 1992 and Government Regulation No. RI. 21 BRI status in 1992 turned into a limited liability company. BRI ownership was still 100% in the hands of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. In 2003, the Government of Indonesia decided to sell 30% stake in the bank, so it became a public company with the official name of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., Which is still used up to now.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia is seeking for highly qualified candidates to join our team. We opening great chance for the best resources, please read our requirements below

  • S1/S2 Bachelor of Accredited Universities are A / B
  • To graduate from the Faculty of Public PPS / Major: Economics, Law, Engineering, Agricultural Technology, Psychology, Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisipol (Only For Department of International Relations, Communication Studies, Fiscal Administration, Business Administration, and State Administration), Mathematics ( Just for the department of Mathematics, Statistics)
  • PPS Auditors For graduates of the Faculty / Department: Economics, Law, Engineering, Agriculture, Fisipol (Only For the Department of Fiscal Administration, Business Administration, and State Administration), Mathematics and Science (Only for the Department of Mathematics, Statistics)
  • For PPS IT graduates from the Faculty / Department: Computer Science, Information Engineering
  • S1 GPA minimum 2.75 (PTN), 3.00 (PTS)
  • S2 GPA GPA of at least 3:25 with the provisions of S.1 min. 2.75 (PTN) & 3.00 (PTS)
  • Old max. 27 years (for graduates S1), and max. 30 years (for graduates S2)
  • Priority for those who have never registered as a participant PPS BRI
  • Willing to follow the selection process.
  • Not Married.
  • Willing to be placed on the entire working area BRI
  • Willing to sign a Letter of Agreement with BRI been accepted as a participant if the PPS BRI

B. Resident Auditor (RA)Qualifications:
  • Has experience as Auditor in Public Accounting Firm (KAP) or Consulting Group - Auditor, Internal Auditor or the Bank / Financial Institution. Minimum 3 (three) years.
  • Under 35 years of age (not yet 35 years old at the time of application).
  • Education S2 or S1 from the Faculty of Economics, Law, Engineering, FISIP (Trade Administration), Agriculture and Livestock of the PTN / PTS accredited A / B.
  • GPA: S1 min 2.75 (scale 4), S2 min 3:25 with the provisions of GPA and faculty S1 eligible item 4a.
  • Mastering the English language.
  • Placement on Branch Offices across Indonesia, and preferred to be placed on the Branch Office in the Office of Inspection unit area in the region of origin of applicants.

For those applicants who are interested, can attend one event Job Fair / Job Expo the following:
  1. UI Career & Scholarship Expo XII, Date. 29 September to 1 October 2011 in the Hall of the UI, Depok
2. Ubuntu Job Fair 2011, Date. 4 to 5 October 2011, at Graha Sanusi Campus ubuntu
Jl. Dipatiukur-Bandung
3. BRI Job Expo, Date. 6 to 7 October 2011, at UGM, Yogyakarta
4. Airlangga Career Fair & Scholarship Expo, Date. 13 to 15 October 2011, at the Auditorium
Campus C Airlangga University, Jl. Mulyorejo - Surabaya
5. ITB Career Titian, Date. 14 to 16 October 2011, at Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga),
ITB - Bandung
6. IPB Job Fair, Date. 22 to 23 October 2011, at the Graduation Widya Graha Building, Campus IPB Dramaga - Bogor

Please Note This : SELECTION PROCESS FOR THE ENTIRE no charge 

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