PT. Multi Bangun Abadi Job Vacancy | LoKerSPOT PT. Multi Bangun Abadi Job Vacancy | LoKerSPOT

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PT. Multi Bangun Abadi Job Vacancy

Please Attention! You are now accessing for the current job announcements and job reference materials. Please read thoroughly about the job applicant's qualifications or requirements which are requested by the company. If you feel that you are qualified, you are welcome to apply at your any desired job position. The available job fields and positions will be shown at below.
PT. Multi Bangun Abadi, formed from a common commitment in 2004 with our work experience, knowledge, infrastructure, and development of international-standard technologies, we are growing and expanding businesses throughout the country.

Currently, we manage employees numbering more than 3,000 employees spread across 19 provinces of Indonesia, both in the area of ​​the head office, branches, sales representatives and our other partner companies such as Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Central Java & Sumatra, Kalimantan & Sulawesi

With a workforce that has the choice of a good education background so that they can work together in providing the best waiter. We always uphold the welfare of employees. Meet the needs of employees will be working equipment, Social Security and health insurance, income (minimum UMP) and the provision of overtime (in accordance with Ministry of Manpower) to improve the quality of services is held. With employee satisfaction will grow loyalty and high morale that can provide service performance and the best performance for the users of our services. We are also working with several government agencies and vendors and principals, both nationally and abroad on the scope of services each.

Our philosophy is we are there to meet your needs and provide satisfaction service for business partners. With the satisfaction of the needs of employees, then grow loyalty and high morale can provide service performance and the best performance for the users of our services.

Our Service:
Security Service
Cleaning Service
Cleaning Service
Men Power Outsource
Electronic Filing

We opening vacancy for best candidate as position below

Accounting Staff (AR & AP)
Work location: Bekasi

  • Education minimum Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting
  • Preferably with minimum 1 year work experiences in similar position
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill, persuasive, adaptable and high motivated team player with ability to perform under pressure to meet critical timeline
  • Good administrative, trustworthy, analytical and time management skills
  • Have a proficient computer skills and familiar with accounting software

(Closing Date : 06 October 2011)

If you meet qualifications above, please briefly submit your recent CV into link below

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