Please Attention! You are now accessing for the current job announcements and job reference materials. Please read thoroughly about the job applicant's qualifications or requirements which are requested by the company. If you feel that you are qualified, you are welcome to apply at your any desired job position. The available job fields and positions will be shown at below.
PT Asuransi Umum Mega, one of the group company of PT Bank Mega Tbk. PT Asuransi Umum Mega or often called the Asuransi Mega is an insurance that stood since 2004.
PT. Asuransi Umum Mega is a General Insurance Company General Insurance Services formerly known as PT. Asuransi Republik. The shareholders agreed to transfer all their shares to the Para Group through PT. Mega Corpora (PT. Para Global Investindo) and PT. Para Rekan Investama. The transfer has been notarized by Notarial Deed Muhani Salim.SH, No.11 dated February 19, 2004.
PT. Asuransi Umum Mega is a General Insurance Company General Insurance Services formerly known as PT. Asuransi Republik. The shareholders agreed to transfer all their shares to the Para Group through PT. Mega Corpora (PT. Para Global Investindo) and PT. Para Rekan Investama. The transfer has been notarized by Notarial Deed Muhani Salim.SH, No.11 dated February 19, 2004.
On May 7, 2007 PT. Asuransi Umum Mega has a branch official business with Sharia principles in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No.. KEP-095/KM.10/2007.
Our Products and Services
- Fire insurance
- Motor Vehicle Insurance
- Marine Cargo Insurance, Air and Land
- Contractor All Risks (CAR)
- Machinery Breakdown Insurance
- Electronic insurance
- Heavy Equipment Insurance
- Surety Bond
- Personal Accident Insurance
- Insurance Securities / Money
- Collection of Health Insurance
- Liability
Increased professionalism, welfare and provision of ample opportunity for employees to encourage quality improvement service to customers and increase overall production. Our services are supported by professionals who experienced in the field of insurance and insurance brokers for approximately 8 to 35 years.
Job Opportunities November 2011 at PT Asuransi Umum Mega
PT Asuransi Umum Mega, one of the group company of PT Bank Mega Tbk., Opening job opportunities for the following positions :
- Account Officer (staff)
- Data Entry (staff)
- Surveyor (staff)
With the following qualifications :
- Male or Female max. age of 35 years old
- Graduate Diploma Degree (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1)
- GPA Min. 2.75
- Able to operate computer
Application Procedure
Application file can be sent to :
PT Asuransi Umum Mega
Menara Bank Mega Lt. 3
Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 283
Bandung 40273
Telp. 022-87340968/69
Menara Bank Mega Lt. 3
Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 283
Bandung 40273
Telp. 022-87340968/69
Please note that the last application submissions of these vacancies is on 29 November 2011
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