Please Attention! You are now accessing for the current job announcements and job reference materials. Please read thoroughly about the job applicant's qualifications or requirements which are requested by the company. If you feel that you are qualified, you are welcome to apply at your any desired job position. The available job fields and positions will be shown at below.
PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk is a multinational company that produces pharmaceutical, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The company was founded in 1918. The company produces various kinds of pharmaceutical products.
Jobs at PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk in April 2012
We are now offering you career opportunities for following available positions :
Analis Riset & Pemasaran
- S1 Educational in Statistics/ Mathematics
- Mastering statistical program (SPSS/ LISREL/ SAS)
- Experience of Data Mining
- Able to design a marketing research
- Plan and proposed subject/ major problem that is the target market or marketing
- Determine the types of market research and marketing
- Develop market research budget needed
- Develop Marketing Management Information System (MMIS)
Teknisi Utilities
- D3/ S1 in Electrical
- Have the ability to master the job for strong and weak current (Arus kuat & arus lemah)
- Carry out the installation, repair, maintenance of electrical installations.
- Analysis and design of electrical system
Medical Representative
- Male/ Female
- Age maximum 27 years
- Minimum D3 in exact sciences (preferably)
- Tenacious and hard worker
- Disciplined and dedicated
- Have SIM C
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
- Attractive and neat appearance
- Like to meet the challenges
How to Apply ?
For those who meet the above qualifications please send your complete application accompanied by a copy of a diploma, the last value transcript, recent pass photo and copy of driving license (if any) to the stated official address of the company at below before the due date on May 3rd, 2012.
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview
HRD PT. Indofarma Tbk - Jl. Indofarma No. 1 Cikarang Barat
HRD PT. Indofarma Tbk - Jl. Indofarma No. 1 Cikarang Barat

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