Recruitment YPI Al-Azhar April 2012 for Surabaya Area | LoKerSPOT Recruitment YPI Al-Azhar April 2012 for Surabaya Area | LoKerSPOT

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Recruitment YPI Al-Azhar April 2012 for Surabaya Area

Please Attention! You are now accessing for the current job announcements and job reference materials. Please read thoroughly about the job applicant's qualifications or requirements which are requested by the company. If you feel that you are qualified, you are welcome to apply at your any desired job position. The available job fields and positions will be shown at below.

Yayasan Pesantren Islam (YPI) Al-Azhar was founded on April 7th, 1952 by 14 Muslim leaders and community leaders in Jakarta, under the name "Yayasan Pesantren Islam". One of the originator of the idea of establishment of this foundation is dr. Syamsuddin, when the Minister of Social Affairs, which is supported by Sjamsuridjal, which at that time was mayor of Manila. While the names of the founders of the foundation are : Soedirdjo, Tan In Hok, Gazali Syahlan, H. Sjuaib Sastradiwirja, Abdullah Salim, Rais Chamis, Ganda, Kartapradja, Sardjono, H. Sulaiman Rasjid, Faray Martak, Jacub Rasjid, Hasan Argubie and Hariri Hady.

Along with the times and the needs of the ummah, the activities in Masjid Agung Al-Azhar continues to grow and develop. Initially the activities of worship and preaching followed only by the surrounding community, including the paddle beca and construction workers. Now the pilgrims Masjid Agung Al-Azhar come from different walks of community, not just those who live in the elite Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, even from outside the area such as Tangerang, Jakarta, Depok, Bogor and others.

Currently there are more than 25 groups of activities of daily graced the complex of religious life in Masjid Agung Al-Azhar, with a variety of shapes and patterns of activity, such as taklim assemblies, lectures, courses, public lectures, discussions, health care, body care, guidance of Hajj and Umrah trips, martial arts, madrasah diniyah (PIA), formal education - from kindergarten through college - to the banking and travel agency services.

Jobs Announcement at YPI Al-Azhar in April 2012

YPI Al-Azhar is now in need of candidates with the required positions and qualifications as follows :

  1. Guru - KB/ TK, Bahasa Inggris, Fisika, Matematika, Biologi, IPS, Agama, Komputer, Musik, Elektronika, Tata Boga, Native Speaker 
  2. Manager IT, Finance, HRD & Pengendalian Mutu
  3. Staf Pusat Belajar, Laboran & Konselor
  4. Staf IT, HRD, Admin Sekolah, Sekretaris & Finance
  5. Desain Grafis
 Applicant Requirements :
  • Moslem, Akhlakul Karimah (positions 1-5)
  • Willing to get better, optimistic, honest and empathetic (positions 1-5)
  • Healthy physical and spiritual (positions 1-5)
  • Maximum age 30 years (position 1-2), 25 years (position 3-5)
  • Interesting appearance, minimum body height 165 cm for Male, and minimum 155 cm for Female (positions 1-5)
  • Graduates S1 (positions 1-3), D3 (position 4), D1 (position 5) with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (positions 1-5)
  • Able to communicate in English, with a minimum TOEFL score of 450 (positions 1-2)
  • Skillfully in operate a computer, at least MS Office (positions 1-5)
  • Preferably graduated from the Leading Universities and Pesantren (positions 1-5)

Job Registration Procedures

For the completeness of applicant's data, please be sent by including all of the required documents at below refer to YPI Al-Azhar recruitment
  • Print out Form Aplikasi Pendaftaran Pelamar (Please download from this link)
  • Job application letter and CV sent to : Yth. HRD Y Al-Azhar Cabang Jawa Timur - Jl. Florence J-04/31, Kompleks Pakuwon City, Laguna Surabaya Timur 60113
  • Pass Photographs up to last 6 months size 4x6 cm (2 sheets)
  • Photocopy of the supporting certificate(s)
  • Photocopy of diploma and last transcripts
Job Note : The registration process will be closed on May 5th, 2012.

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